Perfect LinkedIn Headshots from DWM Photography to give you the edge.

Choose your background and style of shoot. We’ll make sure your pose is perfect, so we capture the real ‘you’. Or get the team updated: we can visit your offices for a more personalised shoot.
You get a selection of images to choose from, we’ll then retouch to make sure you look your best and provide you with 4 LinkedIn photos: Full Colour plus Black & White images optimised to work perfectly with LinkedIn and other Social Media sites.

Did you know?

- Prospective employers and clients make judgements within milliseconds of seeing your LinkedIn headshot.
- Regularly updating your LinkedIn headshot improves your web-presence (try it…. see how many friends and colleagues ‘like’ your new headshot).
- Your headshot should be formatted specifically for LinkedIn or you’ll risk being blurry.
- According to research by Acas, 45% of recruiters use social media tools to vet job applicants.
- Recent pictures make you look current. An older picture risks signalling you’re just returning to the job market.
Whether we like it or not, clients and potential employers make initial judgments based upon appearance. So it’s important you never leave this vital element of your career to chance.
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